Saturday 18 March 2017

Rock Dog : Movie Review

The presentation was good but it was more like an old recipe serve in new bacon. And yes we all love Lamb apart from the fact that I never had one.

The point is the movie was well scripted right from the start, no plot holes, no unnecessary dwelling on betrayal or failure, funny and cute, however I am disappointed that not even a single character made any contact to my conscience.

As a matter of fact I would say that the movie somehow lost its translation. Still a worth watch, will all the beautiful animation.

Friday 17 March 2017

23 Blast : Movie Review

I knew I was venturing into a uncharted waters. I have never seen a movie projecting a sport genre in such a different way. A completely different take and and an amazing plot.

The best part is it being based on a true story. How often do you see a disable person rise and shine in some sports where able find it difficult to get into. That is why you call it a god gift.

However movie did loose its concentration and went south with the entire expression of emotions, still I will personally count it to be one of the best prime time movie for me.

Go watch it, you will definitely like it even though it is not a new movie.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Transformers: The Last Knight Trailer #2 Review

What the hell!!

You have literally everything you wants to see in a Transformer story, you have kids, a rogue kid, a dad like figure,  our very own bumblebee, Optimus not very much on prime, Megatron with bunch of his hooligans, the Cigar and Samurai bots, stunning and cute new robots, and most of all a tamed Dinobot. 

Wow the director just presented everything it can to make this movie a worth watch. Was a bit disappointed with Trailer 1 however this one just blows me away.

Looking absolutely definitely forward for this movie now.

Kong : The Skull Island : Movie Review

No spoilers ahead, need to watch the movie. Producers earned it.
Sometimes enemy donot exist till you go looking for him
Welcome me back people. I just had a funny, joyful and extravagant festival of colors "Holi" and I am still feeling the hangover.

During holi me and my social friends decided to go for the movie, yes decided to go to see the big guy. I am aware of the background o which the movie was set as I happened to see a few Japanese movies where monsters (mostly toys) were introduced and are now considered as cult movies. 

Well the movie started off with a WW2 situation and actually if I dwell more into the scene and the later part of the movie, Mr. Storyteller and Mr Director did a fantastic job in keeping a secret message for the moviegoers, what i mean to say is during chaos and unthinkable, we humans will have to forget our differences and unite to survive.

The CGI was off the chart, however somehow felt that Kong was a bit un-balanced creation, seemed a bit off head to toe. The helicopter scene, Cong vs earth dweller, even the connect between the Girl and Kong was pretty good presentation. 

Overall, was a bit disappointed with trailer however feeling content with the movie. A good job done.

Also absolutely happy with the final trailer.

Monday 13 March 2017

22 Jump Street : Film Review

Funny and Eventful as the 21st was. Both the brothers from different mothers did a fantastic job to comeback and play with our funny bone.

However would say the movie lost its glory when it came to close the chase, it didnt came as a surprise, nothing much to see and feel exited in the end.

Still felt good the entire duration and hats off to the makers to let us realize no more movies now with the help of credit scene.

Sunday 12 March 2017

TRANSFORMERS 5 The Last Knight : Trailer Review

I was waiting when the kids finally will show up in a Transformer Series. And rightly said they are covered this time. The trailers starts with a bot looking for kids and the kids finding shelter under the wreckage, and when the rubble turned out to be Bumblebee I got goosebumps man.
The trailer finally gave a sneak into what is to come and brought me back to like the series after the recent debacle. 
The question is " Why would Optimus ask for forgiveness " " What prompted a kid to fight " " What went wrong to compel a Major to give up the operations " many questions unanswered , many new and much needed faces.

Michael Bay is known for techno based background music, intense facial expression and a loving bot. Everything glued me to this trailer and I loved it.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Middle School - The Worst Years of My Life(2016) - Trailer Review

Amazing Cute Hilarious Emotional and every other good feeling that you get when you watch a movie just for the sheer entertainment.

I was hooked up the entire duration of the film and was able to forget the stress that i have in my life. I had been a kid myself and even though I am over 30 and married to a beautiful girl I still feel i am a kid from the next school.

The best part was that the kids acted naturally and I loved the little brother, a born actor.

Overall a good movie and hats off to Lionsgate to not to make it another Wimpy failure.

Arrival (2016) : Movie Review

I was not sure if this movies will turn out to be a typical Alien based movies, where you go to uncharted cosmic territories and face the unthinkable or they come to our planet to vanquish us all.

The movies started with a plot where a mother looses her daughter to a disease, which shows how much we are yet to achieve when it comes to scientific development. Suddenly the plot changes and you have an unwanted visitor and everything becomes chaotic.

Could have done better with military strategy and presentation. If everything was secured and as expected it should be, what was the level of clearance of the rogue soldier.
However this is the first Alien movie where every scene and plot was well thought and edited, could have done a little better with CGI, however I consider this to be one of the best Alien Drama movies.
Kudos to the actor and director. Well scripted and executed movie of 2016.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Fist Fight : Movie Review

A typical american school, with X Rated Movies, Senior Prank Day, and what not, no so funny start to the movie. But wait till the time Ice Cube walk in , not so ice rather the name should be Angry Cube.

Too much of violence doesn't save this movie nor saves the actors, too many plot holes, I think it was not clear whether the producers were planning to make a comedy movies or an action movies or simply an R Rate one.

Everything seems obvious and pretentious and yes I knew what was coming next, that ruined my mood. Over all not so funny movie still would say a one time watch,

Geo Storm : Trailer Review

The trailers starts with a popular saying that "The technology that controls weather controls the world". Well seems to be a bold project but looked a bit disappointing as the entire trailer missed to leave an impact and looked more of CGI or Game Walk through videos.

It is an interesting plot however this is the first time I saw a rickshaw pulled up by storm, first of its kind in Hollywood. A very less screen space by Gerald, however the trailer could have done better with more plots and a good editing.

Well waiting for the next trailer to line up.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

IRON FIST Colleen Wing Trailer Review

Man I definitely had goosebumps when I saw Fist of the Iron, I mean I saw Danny Rand do the signature Japanese namaste/ respect. The trailer went off with old story in new bottle where a martial art expert gets into Street Fighting to meet the ends meet.
But wait isn't she running a dojo so she could advertise and ask for students. And guess what she does that and Danny is not believing that she is the one. However she is fortunate enough to be friend with the millionaire.

Overall as per the reaction from the crowd I am hearing that the season one episodes are much of business tycoon Danny and less of Iron Fist Danny, still this trailers looks promising, and definitely urges me to sign up this series in Netflix.
"Salute de Japanese Style"

The Flash Season 03 Episode 15 - Review

So, the episode started with a flashback where Barry and Iris are taking a step ahead and are ready to get married . However Joe is not happy because Iris and Flash didn't ask him before proposing. Wally is in trouble, they need to talk to Savitar, Flash seems too concerned about Iris and forgetting the fact that his team members are alos working hard to save her
A sudden kiss from " I am afraid I said so" Savitar phone line, and the All Mighty Savitar is back, calling Flash a villain, other a pretender, other a small tech support, Joe took everything from Savitar.

I donot spoil the mood by giving you the spoiler. So No Spoiler Ahead guys watch it to know it.
Flash seems overconfident, Savitar is closing in, Iris comes to know that she is about to die, and everyone seems anxious. The team is breaking down now and I hope we are about to see a bit more CGI , but my personal opinion for the Producers please minimize on CGI as this series is turning out to more CGI than a anything else.

Pregnant Woman And A Giraffe: Viral Video Review

Wierd as alway. With global connectivity at it maximum, every day we see new things on internet. Every one wants to garner the maximum fame by mostly choreographic themselves with funny stunts.

This time aroud it was the turn of a lady to do spoof on "April the pregnant Giraffe". The cast was well selected which matched the character. Choregraphy was amazing, every shot of the video exactly pinched my funny bone.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Logan : Movie Review

Come 2017 and see  Logan where you would not believe that some punk irritated the big claw guy, shot him point blank, was warned though, mug beating, hulk anger and the movie started with a bang. 
And then suddenly a calm and peaceful background music and I knew we are going to see Logan in a completely different perspective and trust me that is what I saw. 
I have seen Wolverine taking bullets like flowers however for the first time I saw him vulnerable I felt sad.I had never been X Men movies fan but to make me one, this movie was what I been waiting for.Over all the movie was amazing to watch out for and has changed the X Men Universe Completely.

No Spoilers here guys go watch the movie.

KING KONG Skull Island Trailer Review

How can you not have a completely different thing when you are about to watch a trailer which has KONG no no I am definitely not talking about the "Monster from any bi gone era".

I am definitely talking about the person who is considered as monster when it comes to acting Mr Fury. 

Yes our very own Mr S L Ja. He has not come out of his critically unclaimed role in "Snakes On the Plane". 

Well lets talk about the trailer which has completely different grove, which failed to tune in to the same frequency on which the CGI was built. Background music is more dance moves rather than action based, narration was not needed.

All it had interesting was the way Kong had the lady and suddenly as expected came from behind. 

The only scene which impressed me was Kong beating all the Aquatic Monster, Dwellers, and the Civilized monster "Human".

Monday 6 March 2017

SS-GB BBC Series : Trailer Review

Intreguing Interesting Thrilling and later went on to become boring. The trailer started off well with reference to Germany winning the War of Britain and change in society.

A good cinematography but confused and puzzled scenes. The trailer failed to impress as it clearely had nothing new to create a buzz.

A completely old plot with What if scenario, could have been better edited before promoting the trailer.

Thumbs down from me.

Virat's New Heartbreak Kid Ian Healy

How could someone come from nowhere and say he is loosing respect for the person because he asked his rival to remember when he used loo.
It is the same plot played again when Mr Dada took of his shirt and waved it after the Win and you guys called him uncivilized.
Are we listening to this man because he is a legend or he received the same medicine which he along with other manufactured. We Indian were known to respect our gust but when the guest started misbehaving we had to change our ways.

Remember Ricky Ponting, Adam Gilchrist, Symonds, and others. SO

Kohli is not a great batsman or a leader or anything he is a cunning player of a sport. We do it you loose respect you do it you say its under sports spirit to sledge.

Cmon are you listening to what you are saying Mr Healy or Mr Anderson. You are not The One.
We already have Neo with us. So keep you hurt feelings with you. Dont need it now.
Kohli is Kohli he doesnot need to earn respect he wins it. He is never going to bog down with these jibes.

Go Kohli. 

How to say no to Smoking ?

I was in college when my best friend came to me and said smoke this you will feel good.

For the next 7 years instead of feeling good i had instances where  in I went through severe chest pain, headache, nausea, irritation, anxiety, and what not.

The most severe affect was my loneliness as if i had to smoke i had to go out of my house way out where no one could identify me. Spent hours in making sure i can enjoy every bit of smoke.

But suddenly i started thinking how i can stand again with my friends where they can talk to me freely instead of choking when i breathe.

I wanted to quit as i was left alone even my family dint want to  be near me because of my addiction.

Hence i took it on my self and followed the below mentioned steps  periodically to be a non smoker :

Week I - I minimized my count from 10 a day to 6 a day . Counting it to a total of 42 a week.

Week II - I minimized my count from 6 a day to 4 a day along with  substitute 3 Tobacco Gums a packet a day.

Week III - I maintained the count to 4 a day and minimised tobacco gums to 1 packet per day.
Week IV - Along with my minimized count on smoking I started doing exercise starting from 5 am till 6 am. This allowed me to pump more and more blood in my lungs which apparently started carrying ashes from my lungs i believe.

Week V -  Reduced Cigarettes to three times a day, after reaching office, after lunch and after dinner. Kept on with excercise and tobacco gum.

Week VI to Week XII - Followed the same routine.

Week XIII to Week XVI - Reduced Cigarette to 1 , Tobacco Gum to 1 pc a day, kept on with running and cardio exercises, and now ordered for Electronic Cigarette.
Week XVII to Week XX - Completely transferred myself on Electronic Cigarette which slowly reduced my inclination on tobacco as these machines are pathetic to use and tastes bitter like chemicals.

XXI to XXIV - My smoking reduced to none or occasional 1 a week.

After 9 months i am completely out of Addiction and started chewing cardamon and flavored chewing gum.

Cocal Cola : Pool Boy Ad Review

At least someone had guts to present something different. I am loving it. 

This is something absolutely different...what would you call in Mass Advertising ..... Niche Advertising.....Target Marketing.
Whatever you call it, this is definitely a hit and can definitely score with consumers and audiences.

 Advertisement are always made to leave a mark and this one already had hit app 3 mil hits on Youtube one of them was mine.

Positioning the brand on diverse client base is what Coca Cola Ads are always best at. Kudos

Good Job whoever is responsible for changing the way we look and create advertisement.

The Promise : Trailer Reviews

Looks promising as always. However i kinda remember another Bale movie not so distant far or...not so long ago " Prestige".

The trailer had a suicide bombing initially followed by civilized party and politics prevalent in the last days of Ottoman Empire.  

A period drama, unique script however the trailers seems to vague to understand as it failed to impress my novice mind.

I would still like to see another trailer before i recommend this to watch out for.

Sarkar 3 : Trailer Review

Angry young man is back with a bang. That is how you can portray this trailer for Mr Big B. The trailer is the continuation from the point it was left in Sarkar 2. 

However things looks different with combinations of new actors and old  characters. Yami Gautam and Amit are in different avatars finally.Ronit Roy seems to be still stuck in Kaabil universe. 

There was reference to Abhishek Bachhan and he has an important role to play as a photo. Best role received by him. 


Overall things are looking good and hopeful after a number of debacle by RGV as well as after commenting on Baagh

Sunday 5 March 2017

League of Gods : Movie Review

A 2016 Fantasy film completely based on ancient beast and demons is directed by Vernie and Koan, the HongKong based Directors.

Movie started well with a different CGI normally looking mostly like game walkthrough. The first kill as always and the team to eradicate the evil. Then suddenly you have Chinese Gandalf the grey who gives us a preview of what is the plot. Made in China Gandalf is more funny than serious and cunning this time.
Movie went well, with giants from Clash of Clan oh I mean from Spartan the game no no somehow CGI inspired totally from Games is killed with one blow where as numerous blow from three super power didn't work.
Worth to watch if you like Chines fantasy. Yo Yo Chinese Movies

THE EMOJI MOVIE : Trailer Review

Almost too thrilling to see. Catchy background. Did you guys happen to observe the hair style. Eheheh... and if I go by the hairstyle the Emoji was just the opposite.

And the best way to finish the sentence Pooooopppp. The trailer is too early to tell kind of thing. It was just a first impression about how the movie is going to be full of fun. Hope to see the red one as antagonist.

Need more Need More Need More - 2nd Official Please Please Please

CARS 3 : Trailer Review

This time it is NOS serious. The CARS aint kids car anymore. There is a saying in other movie "Sing" hold on hold on, I will review the movie as well. So where were we there is a saying "When you fall you have only one way to go and that is up, amm! not the movie Up but as the direction up. Never mind look at the trailer yourself.
Yeah Old is gold baby that is what it is going to shows us all. Oh yes! Not it he is going to show us all.
The trailer starts with big stadium, horrible crash, de motivators, state of the art competitor, a willing friend , a reality checking car to other car, out of breath.

Every masala you adults need to see the movie. Adults because ? Yes kids will love this movie. Zapao instead of chikao or whatever it is.

Despicable Me 3 : Trailer Review

Wow! That is what a trailer should have
After Minions I was eagerly waiting for the next film and yes was looking forward to see Gru again with Lucy Luci Lucyy I donot know how to spell her name correctly.

The trailer has everything in it to make us Gru Fans and yes more than that Minion Fans to spend quality time with family. And yes your family should say yes to the movie as well.
Awe! You donot have to be angry Gru, even our family likes you and will wait for it to release. A simple and most heartiest request donot please disappoint this time. YOURS TRULY

Pirates of Caribbean 5 : Trailer Review

Burning Flag ! Spooky Background music ! Spanish Accent ! and then Boy Jack Sparrow and the world no not world this time ???

We had pirates, ships, filthy looking awesome actors, monkey and Sparrow till date within POC storyline. However with the debacle of the recent failure, POC family just introduced a new threat of Resident Evil....I mean now they have Zombieeeeeeeeeesss that too Spanish.
  Trailer looks good with CGI of young sparrow looking good with better acting skills than the man himself.  JDepp seems to be unable to get out of the same old wine inside the same old bottle.  Now you have Pearl Girl and Sparrow who are in trouble as someone no a zombie is looking for all three.
I love the actor who played the zombie bird, the zombie shark and the......everything a zombie...even the ship is.

Curious and waiting eagerly to see Orlando back in action one last time. Keep guessing the special effects donot have to guess the story.