Tuesday 7 March 2017

KING KONG Skull Island Trailer Review

How can you not have a completely different thing when you are about to watch a trailer which has KONG no no I am definitely not talking about the "Monster from any bi gone era".

I am definitely talking about the person who is considered as monster when it comes to acting Mr Fury. 

Yes our very own Mr S L Ja. He has not come out of his critically unclaimed role in "Snakes On the Plane". 

Well lets talk about the trailer which has completely different grove, which failed to tune in to the same frequency on which the CGI was built. Background music is more dance moves rather than action based, narration was not needed.

All it had interesting was the way Kong had the lady and suddenly as expected came from behind. 

The only scene which impressed me was Kong beating all the Aquatic Monster, Dwellers, and the Civilized monster "Human".

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